Monday, June 10, 2013

School in a better place:)

I think that school in a better place would be if students were allowed to go off campus for lunch and that way we don't have to eat the food that the school gives us. It would also be cool if we were allowed to listen to music in school like for example in the hallways, for classes, at lunch, etc. We should also be able to use our phones not only in class but anywhere at school. I think that if we were allowed to do this our school would be a lot more fun.

Monday, May 13, 2013

I Believe...

     I believe that everything is possible. A lot of people complain too much that they can never do anything right. That is never true everything is possible you just got to believe in your self and never give up.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

If I could cure any disease I think that it would be asthma. The reason that I choose this disease is because I have asthma and it is not cool that you can't do all the sports that you really like. I hate it because I cannot do  any sport like track  I have always wanted to do track but I can't because right away I start breathing heavily like if i cannot breath. So that is the disease that I wish I could cure:)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dessert Dance Opinion

We are having our Dessert Dance comming up pretty soon and our options for the themes are Glow In the Dark and Neverland. I think that both of the themes are just right to have the best last day of our 8th grade year. In my opinion I think that we should have both themes together because I just think that they would go perfectly. It kinda depends on what the decorations are going to be, but I think that we will do a pretty good job on them:)